Author Archives: Tova Wolff

How Is Titanium Used in Healthcare? Insights from NKS, a Titanium Coil Slitting Company in Atlanta, Georgia

  Titanium is one of the most versatile materials used in healthcare today. Its lightweight, high strength and resistance to corrosion make it an ideal choice for a wide range of medical devices and implants. Below, this titanium coil slitting company in Atlanta, Georgia is going to explain how titanium is used in healthcare — How Is Titanium Used in Healthcare? Insights from NKS, a Titanium Coil Slitting Company in Atlanta, Georgia

How is Nickel Used in Architecture? Insights from NKS, a Nickel Coil Slitting Company in Charlotte, North Carolina

  In the architectural field, there is a long history of incorporating beautiful and durable materials into various designs. Nickel is one such material that is widely used in construction and architecture thanks to its excellent corrosion resistance, strength, and malleability. Are you interested in learning more about this unique material? If so, you’ve come How is Nickel Used in Architecture? Insights from NKS, a Nickel Coil Slitting Company in Charlotte, North Carolina

Is Titanium Stronger Than Steel? Insights from NKS, a Titanium Coil Slitting Company in Baltimore, Maryland

  Titanium is one of the strongest metals on earth. It is commonly used for a variety of applications ranging from aerospace engineering to medical implants and much more. But does it have the strength to stand up against steel, one of the most common materials used today in the construction industry? This titanium coil Is Titanium Stronger Than Steel? Insights from NKS, a Titanium Coil Slitting Company in Baltimore, Maryland

What Is Nickel? Insights from NKS, a Nickel Coil Slitting Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  Nickel is a metallic element found in nature that has many uses and applications. It is a silver-white metal that is strong, malleable, ductile, and resistant to corrosion. Given its unique properties and versatility, nickel is commonly used in a wide range of industries today — from the medical field to the aerospace industry What Is Nickel? Insights from NKS, a Nickel Coil Slitting Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

What Are the Benefits of Using Aluminum in Manufacturing? Insights from NKS, an Aluminum Slitting Company in Santa Clara, California

  Aluminum is a lightweight, malleable metal with excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. It has become an increasingly popular material for use in the manufacturing sector due to its wide range of benefits. From cost-effectiveness to recyclability, aluminum offers manufacturers several unique advantages over other materials. Below, this aluminum slitting company in Santa Clara, California What Are the Benefits of Using Aluminum in Manufacturing? Insights from NKS, an Aluminum Slitting Company in Santa Clara, California

What Are the Benefits of Using Stainless Steel in Manufacturing? Insights from NKS, a Stainless Steel Slitting Company in Redmond, Washington

  Stainless steel is a common material that is used in manufacturing due to its strength, durability, and malleability. It is also an effective material for creating products that require resistance to corrosion, heat, and chemicals. Its versatility makes it an essential material across a wide range of industries today. Below, this stainless steel slitting What Are the Benefits of Using Stainless Steel in Manufacturing? Insights from NKS, a Stainless Steel Slitting Company in Redmond, Washington

Open House at Banner Industries’ Windsor, Connecticut Location

  A big THANK YOU to all those who attended our first Open House at Banner Industries’ new location in WINDSOR, Connecticut and a special shout-out to our newly formed team in Windsor, Bryce Rockwell, Eva Stafford, Heather Veilleux, Kristin Brown, and all the other members in the plant. We also had several Banner Regional Open House at Banner Industries’ Windsor, Connecticut Location

Aluminum 101: A Complete Guide from NKS, an Aluminum Slitting Company in Irvine, California

  Aluminum is one of the most abundant elements on Earth, and it’s used in a variety of applications. From construction materials to aircraft components, aluminum has become increasingly important in the manufacturing world due to its lightweight properties and corrosion resistance. Below, this aluminum slitting company in Irvine, California is going to explain what Aluminum 101: A Complete Guide from NKS, an Aluminum Slitting Company in Irvine, California

Stainless Steel 101: A Complete Guide from NKS, a Stainless Steel Slitting Company in Miami, Florida

  Stainless steel is an incredibly versatile material that has a wide range of applications. From kitchen appliances to industrial machinery, stainless steel plays an integral role in many industries. Are you interested in learning about stainless steel and how it can be useful for your manufacturing purposes? To help give you an idea, this Stainless Steel 101: A Complete Guide from NKS, a Stainless Steel Slitting Company in Miami, Florida

Why Is Location Important When Choosing a Metal Service Center? Insights from NKS, an Aluminum Slitting Company in Seattle, Washington

  In a sense, today’s world is shrinking. Technological advancements are creating a global marketplace where manufacturers can get the metal products they need from anywhere in the world. But just because that is possible, that doesn’t mean it’s also feasible. Considering your service provider’s location is crucial when sourcing the best metal products for Why Is Location Important When Choosing a Metal Service Center? Insights from NKS, an Aluminum Slitting Company in Seattle, Washington