What Happens in a Metallurgy Lab? Insights from NKS Metallurgical Lab Works for Columbus, OH Customers

Metal lab testing facility in Columbus, Ohio


Manufacturing metal products is a complex and highly scientific job that should be approached at the molecular level. Understanding how materials perform offers you a competitive edge, as it allows you to produce safe and durable products. For this, it takes a lot of time and research to figure out which materials can meet your specific business requirements. How is that possible? Metallurgical lab work in Columbus, Ohio can be done to determine whether your metal can perform optimally and produce consistent products.

Metallurgical Lab Work: What Happens and How Does It Work?

In simple terms, metallurgical lab work involves studying the various physical and chemical properties of different elements and alloys. Metallurgy labs are made up of scientists, industrial engineers, and technicians who work for multiple clients from a broad range of industries to test the success or failure of various metal components.

Ideally, metallurgical lab work in Columbus, Ohio would benefit manufacturing companies from the automotive, aerospace, medical, rail, power generation, or construction industries to expedite and validate their manufacturing processes. These metallurgical labs possess high-tech and specialized equipment to perform various tests with the utmost precision. Operating the lab apparatus also requires special training to rigorously examine the safety of all metals that come to the facility.

Without testing metals for corrosion, fatigue, welding, failure analysis, and chemical analysis, manufacturers have no way to determine how safe and usable the components are. A metallurgy lab test tells you of any flaws that may have developed and can impact the metal’s integrity.

If you have never set your foot in a metallurgical lab or do not already test your metals, now is the time. Hire professional and qualified metallurgical lab work services in Columbus, Ohio and verify your products’ safety.

Benefits of Metallurgical Lab Testing

Be it any metal, its microstructure is bound to change over time or through different processing methods. Partnering with a reliable metallurgical lab in Columbus, Ohio ensures the metal meets the designated specifications and is suitable for industrial use. Metallurgical examinations are applicable in virtually every industry. Trained metallurgists help identify the type of material you hold, any processing errors, and other defects, using various state-of-the-art facilities and contemporary techniques. The lab work emphasizes quantifying the metal’s properties and providing certifications or failure analysis.

We Can Assist with Your Project. Contact the NKS On-Site Metallurgy Lab for All Your Metal Testing Needs.

As a leading supplier of aluminum and stainless- steel slit coils, sheets, and rolls, National Kwikmetal Service understands the processes that metals go through before they are ready for final use.

At our fully equipped on-site metallurgical lab, we put our metals through various comprehensive tests, including tests for hardness, physical properties, chemical analysis, bend test, surface finishing, tensile strength, density, fatigue, and coating weight, and more.

We possess the high-quality equipment needed to provide reliable metallurgical lab work in Columbus, Ohio. Some of the equipment we use includes the Instron 11.25KN Tension Tester, SPECTROMAXx M BT Metal Analyzer, Buehler Macromet 5121 Rockwell Tester, and Mitutoyo Profilometer. We put this technology to use to determine surface characteristics, chemical compositions, fractures, wear, contamination, tensile strength, elongation, and yield of both aluminum and stainless-steel samples.

We have an ongoing commitment to excellence, and we strive to exceed our client’s expectations in every possible way, no matter how small or large your project is. We also offer next-day testing services at our facility — samples we receive by noon are tested, and the reports are shared by 2 PM the following day.

If you believe our services can add value to your business, contact us at 1-800-722-5029 (toll-free) to discuss how we can help make a difference.